Have you heard the saying you are what you wear? Have you wondered what this really meant and how to apply it to your life? Well this phrase means that the outfit you choose will be looked at by people to categorise you. How you feel in your outfit will make a big difference so being sure what you are wearing in comfortable is very important. Certain styles and colours would best suit you and it is important to know.
If you are going for a job interview the standard thing to wear would be a business suit. Ensuring your hemline is acceptable and the fit is comfortable you are good to go. If you are going to a wedding you would be all dressed up and here your make up and accessories will play a big role in your overall look. On a daily basis you may enjoy more comfortable clothes which is ok but you can still make sure that the styling is up to date and the look is good, of course wearing casual should also include very comfortable.
Now a days Jeans are accepted as business wear. Pairing up your jeans with a nice jacket and shirt gives you a great business look and if you are wearing HIZandHERZjeans you will surely be most comfortable. Jeans are the newly accepted pant for any occasion. Having the right pair of jeans with the right fit will make the most difference in Comfort and your look so having a great pair of jeans or a great jeans collection is a key to every wardrobe in todays world.
Make sure that what you wear is a good representation of yourself. The key is for you to feel positive in who you are and what you are wearing. The key is in your hands. Dress to impress and be confident you will get the best results.
Happy New Year, Welcome to 2020. The new year is a great time to make changes so take note of this one and apply it to your life. You are what you wear!!!