The world Pandemic the Coronavirus

Whats on everyones mind today is the global epidemic of Coronavirus which originated in China and has now spread all over the world. People are saying that this virus was caught from eating an Animal and in China they eat every animal including rats and bats. Currently China has a provision on not eating wild animals. Will this help us will this resolve the problem. Well China is currently not raising as much as it was previously and they seem to have some control on it now. The thing is that China does not allow social media like FB so its hard for us to get information directly from people who are living there and we can’t get first hand information from them. Chinas numbers are also high as they are doing the most tests in the world. They are doing about 200,000 tests per day where as Korea is doing 10,000 – 15,000 per day. Sadly USA is very behind in its testing and have tested a total of only 5000 people during this time but they say they will be making more test kits and hope to have a lot very soon. Tests are being done by drive through where you can line up your car to get tested and this seems to be a good way and people are catching on to this trend.

It seems that due to this Coronavirus most countries are going on lockdown one by one. Here are some facts I took note of to share with you guys about where these lockdowns and quarentines are.
1) China Implemented the Largest Quarantine in Human History to try to contain the Novel Coronavirus, Locking down at least 16 cities

2) In Italy, A Nationwide Lockdown went into effect on March !0th that restricts virtually all aspects of life for its 60 million citizens, including retail, leisure, worshippers, imprisonment and travel

3) Denmark became the second European country to impose a nationwide Lockdown in response to the Coronavirus

4) Ireland Announced on March 12th announced it would impose a nationwide lockdown in response to the Coronavirus

5) El Salvadors President announced on Alert Naranja – An Orange Alert on March 11th

6) Poland Announced it would undergo a country wide lockdown on March 13th

7) New Zealand announced a mandatory 14 day quarantine for all individuals entering the country

8) Spain is under lockdown also due to the spread of Conronavirus

9) The USA expands its Europe travel ban to include UK also now

10) Iran is facing large problems with the spread of the Coronavirus and had asked USA for help but they declined

The USA is very far behind in the testing of Coronavirus. This virus was not taken seriously by President Donald Trump when it first arrived. Trump was comparing it to the flu and saying it was not a big deal. His eyes opened after the CDC called this virus now a world Pandemic. He is now arranging for more testing that will help the country better identify and quarantine those who are infected. The stock market has been going down since this Virus came up and its gone down record lows, Im speaking of the Dow Jones which surprisingly had an increase on March 13th but lets see how the trend goes from Monday March 16th when the stock market opens again. Its seems that North America will experience a recession very soon and well the world will see loses as businesses shut down and more lockdowns happen. The USA now has 3043 cases with 60 deaths. Its neighbour Canada is doing much better with only 240 cases and 2 deaths. The number of confirmed cases in india rose to 107, prompting the centre to declare the virus outbreak as a “Notified Disaster”. Globally cases have crossed over 150,000 with 5700 deaths reported across 137 countries.

I have to give a shout out to INDIA whom I think is doing the best job. Here is a list of all the great things india is doing and has done.

1. Firstly, despite sharing a border of 3,488 kilometres with China, India has only reported 78 cases and 1 death- compare that with 596 cases and 8 deaths in the UK.

2. India is the only country in the world to evacuate its citizens 6 times (and counting) and evacuated the most number of foreign nationals.

3. The Indian Air Force evacuated a total of 723 Indians, 37 foreign nationals from Wuhan. India evacuated 119 Indians and 5 foreign nationals from Japan IAF also evacuated 58 Indian pilgrims from Iran on the 10th of March. Total: 900 Indians and 48 foreign nationals.

4. India is leading the fight against COVID-19 in the South Asian region, offering diplomatic, humanitarian and medical assistance to its neighbours.

5. A total of 56 Virus Research Diagnostic Laboratories (VRDLs) have been set up in India to test its citizens as well as foreign citizens in a record time, with a plan to build 56 more VRDLs in the next month. This insane level of efficiency hasn’t caught the eye of the media.

6. India currently has one of the world’s most efficient and reliable testing systems, reducing the time taken to get test results back from 12-14 hours to four hours. US health officials have admitted that their system is failing and has testing has been very sluggish

7. As a result, from Iran, Afghanistan up to Timor Leste, countries in Asia have been requesting India to help set up testing facilities in their countries.

8. India has sent 6 top scientists to set up a make-shift lab and testing facility in Iran to test 6000 of its citizens because Iranian officials refused to test Indians due to their high load. India plans to send 3 more airplanes in the next week to airlift its citizens.

9. India has provided 15 tonnes of medical assistance comprising masks, gloves and other emergency medical equipment to China.

10. India has sent Maldives a 14 member medical team comprising of pulmonologists, anaesthetists, physicians & lab technicians and also a large composite of COVID-19 medical relief to assist Maldives health authorities.

11. India has screened 1,057,506 people from 30 airports and 77 seaports.

12. India has suspended all visas to India as well as visa-free travel facility for OCI cardholders. It has closed its border with Myanmar. The Indian nationals coming from COVID-19 hit nations after 15 February will be quarantined for 14 days. This in contrast with the UK with far more cases but no quick action whatsoever.

13. India has the world’s biggest state-sponsored health assurance scheme, covering over 500 million beneficiaries (approximately 8 times the size of the UK).

14. Indian drug prices are among the cheapest in the world. Medbelle ranks India as one of the five countries with the lowest median prices for drugs around the world due to an elaborate price control mechanism for drugs and the government’s Jan Aushadi project to provide cheap affordable medicines to the poor.

15. China had silenced the doctor who identified COVID-19 and he died 6 weeks later. China let this brew. On the other hand, when Nipah virus was found in India in 2018, 3 doctors identified it and authorities immediately reported it to WHO. 2000 quarantined and 17 died in total.India would have NEVER allowed it to become a pandemic.

16. Every call you make from your Indian cell phone will give you a message about the coronavirus and this is great as even the poor have cell phones

17. Rajasthan confirmed that one Italian person was cured and in Kerala 3 students were cured

The Indian civilization, being one of the most advanced in the world, has been way ahead of its time with gifting the world the Namaste- which is now propagated by every world leader. Ancient India idealised vegetarianism and expounded Ayurveda, and as a result, did not come in contact with any serious threat from plagues/ diseases in its millenniums of existence. India NEVER created any pandemic in the history of its existence.

The question right now for everyone is what should they do. India has not gone into lockdown and seems everything is operating the same. Surely restaurants and retail are seeing a decline in their sales which will only decrease further as this pandemic grows. What all should be doing is washing their hands regularly to keep the germs off them. You should also avoid attending large events as the virus can spread fast and you do not want to be close to it. You should not stand close to anyone especially if they are coughing as this virus is spread through droplets that do come out when someone is coughing. Do not touch your mouth nose or eyes as if you got it on your hands then it will share the virus with you and you will get it also. They say that there is no need for masks but I think masks are good as they prevent you from touching your nose and mouth and could be good for children who don’t listen or you can not explain well to. If you are able to work from home this is most suggested but surely your employer needs to help you with this. The country has not officially shut down the schools but believe they will be in the next few days to keep the children safe. Keep watching the news reports to keep yourself up to date as the numbers and information are changing daily.

There are some crazy things happening in this world like Canada, USA and UK have gone mad with shopping in the fears that grocery stores will close or run out of stock. In all three of these places they are fighting for Toilet Paper and Hand Sanitisers as people have stocked up on it and the shelves are empty. The whole world has taken on the Indian greeting of Namaste and now I think they need to take our use of water for cleaning after the bathroom. This would save everyone a lot of time energy and money. Surely we will not have this issue in INDIA. The supplies for these countries has also had a hit as they import a lot from China but now no exports can leave china due to this virus.

We wish and hope the best for everyone and all are in our prayers as we fight this COVID-19 which is another name for the Coronavirus. If you are experiencing any symptoms such as cough or high fever the call the number below or comment on this post and we will surely do what we can to help you.
The Helpline Number for corona-virus : +91-11-23978046